
Testimonials horizontal

Karen Sanders

Project Manager

As a Project Manager at a small local company, I was looking for a solution for my company’s website. Novi Builder is just what I need!.

Walter Williams


Thanks to Novi Builder, I am now able to showcase all my works without doing any extra coding and design manipulations. Thank you!

The basic widget HTML markup to display one element looks the following way:

<div class="quote-boxed">
  <div class="quote-boxed-left"><img class="quote-boxed-image" src="images/*.jpg" alt="" width="" height=""/>
  <div class="quote-boxed-body">
    <cite> ... </cite>
    <p class="caption"> ... </p>
    <p class="quote-text">
      <q> ... </q>
    <div class="quote-boxed-meta">
      <ul class="quote-boxed-meta-list">
          <time datetime="2017"> ... </time>

Testimonials classic

As a Project Manager at a small local company, I was looking for a universal solution for my company’s website. Novi Builder is just what I need! It looks stunning and works flawlessly. I am also able to customize it the way I want.
Karen Sanders

Project Manager

Thanks to Novi Builder, I am now able to showcase all my works without doing any extra coding and design manipulations. It’s incredible, my website looks stunning. Thank you, you’ve done a great job on this template!
Walter Williams


As a freelance landscape designer, it is important for me to have a great looking portfolio of all my works, and this template has what I need. I especially like blog layouts and portfolio pages. A variety of home page layouts is very useful, too.
Amanda Smith


The basic widget HTML markup to display one element looks the following way:

<div class="quote-classic">
  <q> ... </q>
  <div class="unit unit-horizontal unit-spacing-xs unit-middle">
    <div class="unit-left"><img class="img-responsive rounded-circle" src="images/*" alt="" width="" height=""/>
    <div class="unit-body">
      <h5> ... </h5>
      <p class="quote-classic-subcite"> ... </p>

Testimonials with centered image

As a Project Manager at a small local company, I was looking for a universal solution for my company’s website. Novi Builder is just what I need! It looks stunning and works flawlessly.
Karen Sanders

Project Manager

Thanks to Novi Builder, I am now able to showcase all my works without doing any extra coding and design manipulations. It’s incredible, my website looks stunning. Thank you!
Walter Williams


As a freelance landscape designer, it is important for me to have a great looking portfolio of all my works, and this template has what I need. I especially like blog layouts and portfolio pages.
Amanda Smith


The basic widget HTML markup to display one element looks the following way:

<div class="quote-center">
  <figure class="quote-center-img"><img class="rounded-circle" src="images/*" alt="" width="" height=""/>
    <svg x="0px" y="0px" width="368px" height="264px" viewbox="0 0 368 264">
        <path d="M253.5,0c0,0.3,0,0.7,0,1c0,37.8-30.7,68.5-68.5,68.5c-37.8,0-68.5-30.7-68.5-68.5c0-0.3,0-0.7,0-1H0v264h368 V0H253.5z"></path>
  <div class="quote-center-body">
    <q class="text-italic"> ...  </q>
    <div class="quote-center-cite">
      <h5> ... </h5>
      <p class="quote-classic-subcite"> ... </p>

Testimonials horizontal in carousel

Testimonials classic in carousel

Testimonials with centered image in carousel